Request A Reading
What to Expect in A Reading
Procedure Outline
Complete the Reading Request Form on this page.
Within 24-48 hours I'll respond to your request to confirm the details and your goals for the reading.
It's important that you watch for my email confirming the details of your reading request -- Before the next step I may need to clarify some details, and your prompt response will allow us to move forward with the reading in a timely manner.
After you & I have agreed to move forward with the reading, you'll receive a digital invoice. Once I've received confirmation of your invoice fulfillment, the Tarot card phase of the reading begins.
For Primary Tarot Readings, the chosen mode of delivery (pdf, recorded video, or Zoom call) will be delivered within 7 days from the time of completed payment (or at another time agreed upon by both of us).
Other specialty or limited-time-offer readings will be completed/delivered according to the nature of the reading (such as monthly readings, or another time or frequency other than within the first 7 days following payment).
Most of the time I am able to deliver your Tarot reading materials/files within 2-4 days following payment. 7 days is typically more than adequate time for most Primary Tarot Readings, but more complex readings/requests may require a bit more time -- which we will discuss together.
** It is very important to me to set a "sacred space" for each reading where I can work without distractions or interruptions, so that my full focus and energy can be devoted to the reading and so that privacy and confidentiality is maintained at all times. This is a significant commitment of time and space, and you deserve a high-quality Tarot experience! **
Within your Tarot reading document/file(s), you'll typically find "homework assignments" designed to assist you in further exploring and examining the Tarot reading as it relates to your query topic, solely for your own records.
I highly recommend taking advantage of additional resources provided within the reading in order to get the most value out of your experience!
Following the delivery of your Tarot reading materials, I'll contact you again to determine the best time to follow up with you -- giving you time to go through the information provided in the materials and have time for the reflection "homework" assignments.
This followup is a check-in to see how the information in the reading played a role in helping you shape and achieve your desired goals up to this point, and how you might use this information as you continue in your progress.
I'm excited to take part in your journey!
All prices listed in USD with sales tax included
Featured Tarot Readings
Limited-Time/Quantity Special Offers
2022 Outlook
13-card reading focusing on the theme for your year and the primary focus for each month. Based on date of purchase, past months of 2022 will be read as a reflection, and future months will be read as goal-setting. The present month will be read based on how much of the present month has past/is to come and in accordance with the purchaser's own goals.
Delivered within 7 days of completed payment.
2022 Outlook BONUS Pack
The entire 2022 Outlook -PLUS- an additional 4-5 cards corresponding to each week of each month.
13-card reading delivered within 7 days of payment, then monthly readings delivered prior to the beginning of each month throughout the year
Primary Tarot Readings
Main-Topic Reading
Focus on the 1 topic/situation that is most important to you at this time, consisting of 3-5 Tarot cards in a spread.
Delivered within 7 days of completed payment.
Multi-Topic or Complex Reading
*Coming in Later-2022*
Focus on 2-4 mostly-unrelated topics/situations, all of which take important priority to you at this time.
Delivery time & price TBD